It's magic

That's the thing with magic.
You've got to know
it's still here, all around us,
or it just stays invisible for you.

[Charles de Lint]

TWIST Comment: We were at the PC Sorcar Master magic show this weekend. The kids in the group were sitting at the edge of the seat mouths wide open their eyes rarely blinking. My 3 year old started crying thinking they really pushed a sword through a screaming man. On the drive back the grown-ups were exhausted answering questions about 'how was it done' and 'was it real'. I slowly nudged my 7 year old into taking the perspective of magic into the real world and fired back observations at him such as 'aren't trees growing out of the ground magic?', 'see how magically the flowers bloom and then die', 'imagine how children are born', 'there is so much magic happening around you'. All that got a muted response, but I knew the seed has been sown. I'm a firm believer that familiarity or knowledge rids us of the awe with which we look at the world around us as though it's magic. If we can shed that ego of knowledge or the burden of knowing we can simply enjoy the greatest magic of all that we all live amidst in this world. Let's make a choice to observe atleast one spontaneous magic around us everyday. Then life can be beautiful and enchanting just the way it should be.
